- The Tree of Life
- Creativity and Imagination
- Four Seasons Garden
- Aspire
- Sukkat Shalom Mosaic
- Jesus and the Fisherman
- The Reading Garden
- The Stanley Stallions
- Growing a Garden
- The Compass Rose
- B'Yachad (Together)
- The Welcome Mosaic
- Lauren's Memorial
- The Path to Hope
- The Entry Arch Mosaic
- Planting the Seeds
- The Stories of Lynn
LYNN ARTS, LYNN MA (with David Fichter and Yetti Frenkel)
Exterior Arch Mosaic
Vitreous glass tile
18 feet high x 30 feet long
The city of Lynn, Massachusetts has a rich industrial history and a diverse population. LynnArts, a citywide cultural institution, commissioned this work of public art to draw attention to the city's cultural heritage. Working in collaboration with fellow muralists David Fichter and Yetti Frenkel, we organized six independent artist-in-residencies in the Middle School and High Schools of Lynn. At each school we worked with the students to create design drawings, then make mosaic panels that we installed outside on the arch. Above the arch we will paint a mural that tells the complete history of the city, on a wall that is sixty feet by sixty feet square.
This is an ambitious multi-year project that is a centerpiece for the city and includes the work of more than six hundred students.